Where it begins.
For Brian and I, a slice of heaven is here on the island where we find our adventure in nature, renewed sence of hope and peace from the craziness of life! Faith, family, & relationships are what matters. We believe that by sharing our home away, relationships can become stronger, goals can be re-set & time can truly stand still. We find that the “still small voice in your heart” will speak to you in the wind, along the trails in the nature preserve, riding the bike paths or through the waves that dance along the beach.
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So why this house?? Did I mention we like an adventure? Our search was for a unique property that I could re-imagine. With my design & creative background, we are breathing new life into a home that had great bones and the setting is phenomenal! When we learn, we grow. Things are about finished here, only a few more things on the list. The adventure & excitement continues. We could never have prayed for better neighbors who’ve become a second family. Our friends and family have helped us make our house a “home”. It’s true what they say, home is where the heart is. You are welcomed and we look forward to sharing a piece of our hearts with you!
“Photo’s cannot capture the beauty alive in nature, but we’ve tried!”